April 17, 2024

International Spring Makers Conference – 17.04.2024, Dusseldorf

On April 17, 2024, during the WIRE fair in Dusseldorf, the International Conference of Spring Manufacturers organized by ESF - European Spring Federation was held. The Polish Spring Manufacturers Association, as a member of ESF, was well represented, for which we would like to thank the members of our association. The conference touched upon many important issues that concern or will concern all producers in our industry. Dr. Andres Weinrich, head of the ISO/TC 227 commission, presented the current situation in the field of spring standardization in the world and presented activities planned for the future. The presentation of the FRED organization – CO2 Footprint Calculation – also deserves special attention. This software is used to calculate the carbon footprint of products such as springs and is dedicated to them. At the end, we listened to a presentation about the situation in the steel industry in Germany and the upcoming challenges. After the conference, during an open meeting of participants, we had the opportunity to talk and exchange experiences with our industry colleagues from other countries.
